SpringMVC 中针对异常问题有一套完整的处理体系,这套体系非常好用,今天松哥就花点时间来和大家聊一聊 SpringMVC 中的异常处理体系,我们把 SpringMVC 中的异常体系从头到尾梳理一下。
在 SpringMVC 的异常体系中,处于最顶层的大 Boss 是 HandlerExceptionResolver,这是一个接口,里边只有一个方法:
- public interface HandlerExceptionResolver {
- @Nullable
- ModelAndView resolveException(
- HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @Nullable Object handler, Exception ex);
- }
resolveException 方法就用来解析请求处理过程中所产生的异常,并最终返回一个 ModelAndView。
我们来看下 HandlerExceptionResolver 的实现类:
直接实现 HandlerExceptionResolver 接口的类有三个:
在 SpringMVC 中,大致的异常解析器就是这些,接下来我们来逐个学习这些异常解析器。
AbstractHandlerExceptionResolver 是真正干活的异常解析器的父类,我们就先从他的 resolveException 方法开始看起。
- @Override
- @Nullable
- public ModelAndView resolveException(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @Nullable Object handler, Exception ex) {
- if (shouldApplyTo(request, handler)) {
- prepareResponse(ex, response);
- ModelAndView result = doResolveException(request, response, handler, ex);
- if (result != null) {
- logException(ex, request);
- }
- return result;
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
记录异常日志没啥好说的,doResolveException 则是一个空的模版方法,所以这里对我们来说主要就是两个方法:shouldApplyTo 和 prepareResponse,我们分别来看。
- protected boolean shouldApplyTo(HttpServletRequest request, @Nullable Object handler) {
- if (handler != null) {
- if (this.mappedHandlers != null && this.mappedHandlers.contains(handler)) {
- return true;
- }
- if (this.mappedHandlerClasses != null) {
- for (Class> handlerClass : this.mappedHandlerClasses) {
- if (handlerClass.isInstance(handler)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return !hasHandlerMappings();
- }
这里涉及到了两个对象:mappedHandlers 和 mappedHandlerClasses:
如果开发者一开始配置了 mappedHandlers 或者 mappedHandlerClasses,则用这两个和处理器去比较,否则就直接返回 true,表示支持该异常处理。
prepareResponse 方法比较简单,主要是处理一下响应头的缓存字段。
- protected void prepareResponse(Exception ex, HttpServletResponse response) {
- if (this.preventResponseCaching) {
- preventCaching(response);
- }
- }
- protected void preventCaching(HttpServletResponse response) {
- response.addHeader(HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL, "no-store");
- }
这是 AbstractHandlerExceptionResolver 的大致内容,可以看到还是非常 easy 的,接下来我们来看它的实现类。
2.1 AbstractHandlerMethodExceptionResolver
AbstractHandlerMethodExceptionResolver 主要是重写了 shouldApplyTo 方法和 doResolveException 方法,一个一个来看。
- @Override
- protected boolean shouldApplyTo(HttpServletRequest request, @Nullable Object handler) {
- if (handler == null) {
- return super.shouldApplyTo(request, null);
- }
- else if (handler instanceof HandlerMethod) {
- HandlerMethod handlerMethod = (HandlerMethod) handler;
- handler = handlerMethod.getBean();
- return super.shouldApplyTo(request, handler);
- }
- else if (hasGlobalExceptionHandlers() && hasHandlerMappings()) {
- return super.shouldApplyTo(request, handler);
- }
- else {
- return false;
- }
- }
这块感觉没啥好说的,判断逻辑基本上都还是调用父类的 shouldApplyTo 方法去处理。
- @Override
- @Nullable
- protected final ModelAndView doResolveException(
- HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @Nullable Object handler, Exception ex) {
- HandlerMethod handlerMethod = (handler instanceof HandlerMethod ? (HandlerMethod) handler : null);
- return doResolveHandlerMethodException(request, response, handlerMethod, ex);
- }
- @Nullable
- protected abstract ModelAndView doResolveHandlerMethodException(
- HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @Nullable HandlerMethod handlerMethod, Exception ex);
doResolveException 是具体的异常处理方法,但是它里边却没有实质性操作,具体的事情交给 doResolveHandlerMethodException 方法去做了,而该方法是一个抽象方法,具体的实现在子类中。
2.1.1 ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver
AbstractHandlerMethodExceptionResolver 只有一个子类就是 ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver,来看下它的 doResolveHandlerMethodException 方法:
- @Override
- @Nullable
- protected ModelAndView doResolveHandlerMethodException(HttpServletRequest request,
- HttpServletResponse response, @Nullable HandlerMethod handlerMethod, Exception exception) {
- ServletInvocableHandlerMethod exceptionHandlerMethod = getExceptionHandlerMethod(handlerMethod, exception);
- if (exceptionHandlerMethod == null) {
- return null;
- }
- if (this.argumentResolvers != null) {
- exceptionHandlerMethod.setHandlerMethodArgumentResolvers(this.argumentResolvers);
- }
- if (this.returnValueHandlers != null) {
- exceptionHandlerMethod.setHandlerMethodReturnValueHandlers(this.returnValueHandlers);
- }
- ServletWebRequest webRequest = new ServletWebRequest(request, response);
- ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer = new ModelAndViewContainer();
- ArrayList
exceptions = new ArrayList<>(); - try {
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
- logger.debug("Using @ExceptionHandler " + exceptionHandlerMethod);
- }
- // Expose causes as provided arguments as well
- Throwable exToExpose = exception;
- while (exToExpose != null) {
- exceptions.add(exToExpose);
- Throwable cause = exToExpose.getCause();
- exToExpose = (cause != exToExpose ? cause : null);
- }
- Object[] arguments = new Object[exceptions.size() + 1];
- exceptions.toArray(arguments); // efficient arraycopy call in ArrayList
- arguments[arguments.length - 1] = handlerMethod;
- exceptionHandlerMethod.invokeAndHandle(webRequest, mavContainer, arguments);
- }
- catch (Throwable invocationEx) {
- // Any other than the original exception (or a cause) is unintended here,
- // probably an accident (e.g. failed assertion or the like).
- if (!exceptions.contains(invocationEx) && logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
- logger.warn("Failure in @ExceptionHandler " + exceptionHandlerMethod, invocationEx);
- }
- // Continue with default processing of the original exception...
- return null;
- }
- if (mavContainer.isRequestHandled()) {
- return new ModelAndView();
- }
- else {
- ModelMap model = mavContainer.getModel();
- HttpStatus status = mavContainer.getStatus();
- ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(mavContainer.getViewName(), model, status);
- mav.setViewName(mavContainer.getViewName());
- if (!mavContainer.isViewReference()) {
- mav.setView((View) mavContainer.getView());
- }
- if (model instanceof RedirectAttributes) {
- Map
flashAttributes = ((RedirectAttributes) model).getFlashAttributes(); - RequestContextUtils.getOutputFlashMap(request).putAll(flashAttributes);
- }
- return mav;
- }
- }
这就是 ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver 的大致工作流程,可以看到,还是非常 easy 的。
2.2 DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver
这个看名字就知道是一个默认的异常处理器,用来处理一些常见的异常类型,我们来看一下它的 doResolveException 方法:
- @Override
- @Nullable
- protected ModelAndView doResolveException(
- HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @Nullable Object handler, Exception ex) {
- try {
- if (ex instanceof HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException) {
- return handleHttpRequestMethodNotSupported(
- (HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException) ex, request, response, handler);
- }
- else if (ex instanceof HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException) {
- return handleHttpMediaTypeNotSupported(
- (HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException) ex, request, response, handler);
- }
- else if (ex instanceof HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException) {
- return handleHttpMediaTypeNotAcceptable(
- (HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException) ex, request, response, handler);
- }
- else if (ex instanceof MissingPathVariableException) {
- return handleMissingPathVariable(
- (MissingPathVariableException) ex, request, response, handler);
- }
- else if (ex instanceof MissingServletRequestParameterException) {
- return handleMissingServletRequestParameter(
- (MissingServletRequestParameterException) ex, request, response, handler);
- }
- else if (ex instanceof ServletRequestBindingException) {
- return handleServletRequestBindingException(
- (ServletRequestBindingException) ex, request, response, handler);
- }
- else if (ex instanceof ConversionNotSupportedException) {
- return handleConversionNotSupported(
- (ConversionNotSupportedException) ex, request, response, handler);
- }
- else if (ex instanceof TypeMismatchException) {
- return handleTypeMismatch(
- (TypeMismatchException) ex, request, response, handler);
- }
- else if (ex instanceof HttpMessageNotReadableException) {
- return handleHttpMessageNotReadable(
- (HttpMessageNotReadableException) ex, request, response, handler);
- }
- else if (ex instanceof HttpMessageNotWritableException) {
- return handleHttpMessageNotWritable(
- (HttpMessageNotWritableException) ex, request, response, handler);
- }
- else if (ex instanceof MethodArgumentNotValidException) {
- return handleMethodArgumentNotValidException(
- (MethodArgumentNotValidException) ex, request, response, handler);
- }
- else if (ex instanceof MissingServletRequestPartException) {
- return handleMissingServletRequestPartException(
- (MissingServletRequestPartException) ex, request, response, handler);
- }
- else if (ex instanceof BindException) {
- return handleBindException((BindException) ex, request, response, handler);
- }
- else if (ex instanceof NoHandlerFoundException) {
- return handleNoHandlerFoundException(
- (NoHandlerFoundException) ex, request, response, handler);
- }
- else if (ex instanceof AsyncRequestTimeoutException) {
- return handleAsyncRequestTimeoutException(
- (AsyncRequestTimeoutException) ex, request, response, handler);
- }
- }
- catch (Exception handlerEx) {
- }
- return null;
- }
可以看到,这里实际上就是根据不同的异常类型,然后调用不同的类去处理该异常。这里相关的处理都比较容易,以 HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException 为例,异常处理就是对 response 对象做一些配置,如下:
- protected ModelAndView handleHttpRequestMethodNotSupported(HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException ex,
- HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @Nullable Object handler) throws IOException {
- String[] supportedMethods = ex.getSupportedMethods();
- if (supportedMethods != null) {
- response.setHeader("Allow", StringUtils.arrayToDelimitedString(supportedMethods, ", "));
- }
- response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, ex.getMessage());
- return new ModelAndView();
- }
配置响应头,然后 sendError,最后返回一个空的 ModelAndView 对象。
2.3 ResponseStatusExceptionResolver
这个用来处理 ResponseStatusException 类型的异常,或者使用了 @ResponseStatus 注解标记的普通异常类。我们来看下它的 doResolveException 方法:
- @Override
- @Nullable
- protected ModelAndView doResolveException(
- HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @Nullable Object handler, Exception ex) {
- try {
- if (ex instanceof ResponseStatusException) {
- return resolveResponseStatusException((ResponseStatusException) ex, request, response, handler);
- }
- ResponseStatus status = AnnotatedElementUtils.findMergedAnnotation(ex.getClass(), ResponseStatus.class);
- if (status != null) {
- return resolveResponseStatus(status, request, response, handler, ex);
- }
- if (ex.getCause() instanceof Exception) {
- return doResolveException(request, response, handler, (Exception) ex.getCause());
- }
- }
- catch (Exception resolveEx) {
- }
- return null;
- }
可以看到,首先判断异常类型是不是 ResponseStatusException,如果是,则直接调用 resolveResponseStatusException 方法进行异常信息处理,如果不是,则去查找到异常类上的 @ResponseStatus 注解,并从中查找出相关的异常信息,然后调用 resolveResponseStatus 方法进行处理。
可以看到,ResponseStatusExceptionResolver 处理的异常类型有两种:
2.4 SimpleMappingExceptionResolver
SimpleMappingExceptionResolver 则是根据不同的异常显示不同的 error 页面。可能有的小伙伴还没用过 SimpleMappingExceptionResolver,所以松哥这里先简单说一下用法。
SimpleMappingExceptionResolver 的配置非常简单,直接提供一个 SimpleMappingExceptionResolver 的实例即可,如下:
- @Bean
- SimpleMappingExceptionResolver simpleMappingExceptionResolver() {
- SimpleMappingExceptionResolver resolver = new SimpleMappingExceptionResolver();
- Properties mappings = new Properties();
- mappings.put("java.lang.ArithmeticException", "11");
- mappings.put("java.lang.NullPointerException", "22");
- resolver.setExceptionMappings(mappings);
- Properties statusCodes = new Properties();
- statusCodes.put("11", "500");
- statusCodes.put("22", "500");
- resolver.setStatusCodes(statusCodes);
- return resolver;
- }
在 mappings 中配置异常和 view 之间的对应关系,要写异常类的全路径,后面的 11、22 则表示视图名称;statusCodes 中配置了视图和响应状态码之间的映射关系。配置完成后,如果我们的项目在运行时抛出了 ArithmeticException 异常,则会展示出 11 视图,如果我们的项目在运行时抛出了 NullPointerException 异常,则会展示出 22 视图。
这是用法,了解了用法之后我们再来看源码,就容易理解了,我们直接来看 doResolveException 方法:
- @Override
- @Nullable
- protected ModelAndView doResolveException(
- HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @Nullable Object handler, Exception ex) {
- String viewName = determineViewName(ex, request);
- if (viewName != null) {
- Integer statusCode = determineStatusCode(request, viewName);
- if (statusCode != null) {
- applyStatusCodeIfPossible(request, response, statusCode);
- }
- return getModelAndView(viewName, ex, request);
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- @Nullable
- protected String determineViewName(Exception ex, HttpServletRequest request) {
- String viewName = null;
- if (this.excludedExceptions != null) {
- for (Class> excludedEx : this.excludedExceptions) {
- if (excludedEx.equals(ex.getClass())) {
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- if (this.exceptionMappings != null) {
- viewName = findMatchingViewName(this.exceptionMappings, ex);
- }
- if (viewName == null && this.defaultErrorView != null) {
- viewName = this.defaultErrorView;
- }
- return viewName;
- }
- @Nullable
- protected Integer determineStatusCode(HttpServletRequest request, String viewName) {
- if (this.statusCodes.containsKey(viewName)) {
- return this.statusCodes.get(viewName);
- }
- return this.defaultStatusCode;
- }
这个就比较容易,直接去 statusCodes 中查看是否有视图对应的状态码,如果有则直接返回,如果没有,就返回一个默认的。
最后,还有一个 HandlerExceptionResolverComposite 需要和大家介绍下,这是一个组合的异常处理器,用来代理哪些真正干活的异常处理器。
- @Override
- @Nullable
- public ModelAndView resolveException(
- HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @Nullable Object handler, Exception ex) {
- if (this.resolvers != null) {
- for (HandlerExceptionResolver handlerExceptionResolver : this.resolvers) {
- ModelAndView mav = handlerExceptionResolver.resolveException(request, response, handler, ex);
- if (mav != null) {
- return mav;
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
它的 resolveException 方法就比较简单了,这种写法我们已经见到过很多次了,不再赘述。
好啦,今天就和大家简单聊一聊 SpringMVC 中的异常处理体系,整体来说并不难,小伙伴们可以仔细品一品。
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