The following modules have specific security considerations:
base64: base64 security considerations in RFC 4648
cgi: CGI security considerations
hashlib: all constructors take a “usedforsecurity” keyword-only argument disabling known insecure and blocked algorithms
http.server is not suitable for production use, only implementing basic security checks. See the security considerations.
logging: Logging configuration uses eval()
multiprocessing: Connection.recv() uses pickle
pickle: Restricting globals in pickle
random shouldn’t be used for security purposes, use secrets instead
shelve: shelve is based on pickle and thus unsuitable for dealing with untrusted sources
ssl: SSL/TLS security considerations
subprocess: Subprocess security considerations
tempfile: mktemp is deprecated due to vulnerability to race conditions
xml: XML vulnerabilities
zipfile: maliciously prepared .zip files can cause disk volume exhaustion
The -I command line option can be used to run python in isolated mode. When it cannot be used, the -P option or the PYTHONSAFEPATH environment variable can be used to not prepend a potentially unsafe path to sys.path such as the current directory, the script’s directory or an empty string.
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