深圳网站制作案例分享Joint Diamond

2013-11-11    分类: 网站制作

成都网站制作案例分享Joint Diamond
Joint Diamond香港高档珠宝公司网站制作案例
由Olivia O’Laughlin于2004年所创立的品牌,Joint Diamond是香港其中一间主要的高档珠宝公司。

We are passionate about design and craftsmanship, offering what we believe to be the best in bespoke design, hand making skills and customer experience.

Every piece of bespoke is designed and handcrafted specifically for each client and is designed with his or her aesthetic, personality, and lifestyle in mind.

Our clients come to us from around the world in search of a unique experience and jewelry that is the only of it’s kind.

We use only the highest quality stones and utilize a combination of traditional and modern design aesthetic when creating your piece.

深圳网站制作案例分享Joint Diamond

深圳网站制作案例分享Joint Diamond

深圳网站制作案例分享Joint Diamond

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