
2023-01-14    分类: 网站建设

建立自有网站的背景(Establishes the private web site background)
Our company main sources of current customers is all sorts of the exhibition, including exhibitions of promotion effect is better, but the cost is high, the company also through the alibaba China to promotion, but only some domestic customers to China, the language has limitations, and at present the company has not been set up their own web site, can't let some customers more comprehensive understanding of our comprehensive enterprise culture and products, alibaba and some other B2B websites focus is to let the customer to understand our products, and can't understand our enterprise culture and some deeper information.
Establishes the private website advantage
As we sincere acrylic company continues to mature and grow, establishes the private web site is the only road, a type of website UEO advantage:
1. 客户直接进入自有网站,选择唯一性高,精准营销,客户有需求才会搜索,利于SEO优化;
Customer directly into their own web site, select the uniqueness of high precision and marketing, customer demand will search, beneficial to the SEO optimization;
2. 收到的询盘质量高,针对性强;
The inquiry received high quality, targeted;
3. 打造自有的网站,是对外展示我们形象和实力的重要途径;
Build their own web site, is foreign to show our image and the strength of the important way;
4. 提升了我们的服务品质 ,加强了对目标对象的售前售后服务;
Improve the quality of our service, strengthening of the target's pre-sale service;
5. 提高我们产品的品牌形象。
Improve our product's brand image.
Web site set up process:
The first step: the determination of style
It is recommended to some star hotel website construction style, because a lot of our end customers are in the star hotel and some high-grade consumption place, our web site to the construction and the place of the roughly the same style.
第二步: 签署相关合同和支付款
The second step: sign the contracts and payments
We provide related electronic draft (text information) and pictures of material, such as: a brief introduction, system requirements, the web site of the whole page function and the requirements
Step 3: network company design templates, according to our page requirements and to provide material for the web site overall style and layout design, and production design template. We review and confirm the design draft, the network company started the whole website construction, including page design and programming.
Step 4: web site test, browse and acceptance.
验收项目包括链接的准确性和有效性、页面是否真实还原设计稿、浏览器的兼容性、文字内容的正确性、 功能模块的有效性等;
Acceptance of the project including the links page accuracy and validity, whether real reduction design draft, browser compatibility, the correctness of the text, and the effectiveness of the function module;
Step 5: complete production, maintenance and the background to the maintenance of late.




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