
2023-01-22    分类: 网站建设

The visit speed of website and website stability

The web site of the open speed and stability is the most important factor in enterprise website user experience, excellent design of the site may be because there is no good access speed or site space often cannot be accessed by clients to abandon, even unable to attract new customers, so the site access speed and stability is the basic condition of excellent web site.
The design of the page

There is no doubt, no matter what the enterprise web site, in the design of the home page must be the pursuit of beautiful, delicate, atmospheric; ensure the visitor in the open site, the first impression of the website's good. Rough design, not only affect the visitors to your website impression, the important thing is that he may impact on your business impression. In order to ensure the page overall style unchanged, should pay attention to the layout of each plate. In the website construction of the structure design, should pay attention to the important things in one or two pages, not too deep, visitors find for the information he needs time had better not exceed half a minute.
三: 网站内容
Website content

Sina and Sohu is a portal site, so they are on a lot of things, very rich in content. Then our corporate Web site to web content be single-minded, specialization. Please remember: only, to the professional, only professional, to be successful. When you become a professional website in a field, you are still worried about not successful?
The domain name and space

Domain name suggested the use of.Com domain name, generally has some significance, and domain name shorter is better, easy to be remembered. Name the price is not expensive,.Com domain name only 55 yuan a year, registration is the best for a few years.
Web space is divided into: virtual host, VPS, server. Virtual host is the cheapest, personal Adsense or small enterprise can consider to use. The site of large enterprises or large amount of access, you can use a server. Web site space for site open speed, but also have a certain impact on the website SEO. When buying, please carefully select.

Some of the details, appears to be of no great importance. In fact, the best attention. 1: Web service response speed, people's patience is limited. When the customer service for half a minute, did not answer, visitors may choose to close the window. 2: content update frequently, especially the product information. 3: "contact us" this plate in the design should highlight the point.




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