
2023-02-05    分类: 网站建设

Website construction including web site planning, web design, website promotion, website content arrangement, website optimization technology, the website version, etc. The website of the preparation includes the website localization, the content page communication differentiation, strategic research, these established, then go to register a domain name, to rent space, WEB design, website code style made five parts, website construction process need WEB site planning personnel, art designers, and WEB programmer to complete. Website construction is one of the most important part of a web page design, website web design is the enterprise show their image, release information, contact clients online platform, new new world, and can be through the electronic commerce to develop new markets, with very little input get great revenues and profits.
Website construction preparation work is quite important, this decision to the purpose of building your site, and later when maintenance of website, make your site function etc is pretty important. Website construction of web design typographical often by oversight, in fact it is very unwise, because pay attention to web page layout can really improve your web page design level and readability. Below, shang pin China outlined some very useful typesetting skills make you website construction is looks better.
一、纠正行高(Correct line high)
The most common web page layout error is defined not one of the right line high. Do high definition is a line of text height, so we must, in accordance with the text font size to set the high line.
Generally speaking, set text line in high, I often on the basis of the font size and seven pixels (to 12-17 pixels font speaking)

二、文字编排(Font layout)
In web design, processing and color, the text format, graphical and other design element processing is critical.
1.文字图形化(Text graphical)
Text graphical words with the picture is the form of performance, the form of the page son columns are the most commonly used inside, because it has the outstanding, and beautify the page, to make the page more human to strengthen the visual effect. Is the text can be. For general website malpractice is not strong scalability.
2.强调文字(Emphasize text)
If the individual text as the appeals of the page key, can add thick, underlined by and increase the font, and no telltale sign, the tilt font, font color, change means consciously strengthen the visual effect of the text, so that in the whole page is outstanding and brilliant. These methods are, in effect, is to use the law of contrast. If in the update frequency low can also use graphical text.
3.不要使用过多的字体(Don't use too much font)
为了确保可读性和专业性,你的网页上不应该使用超过3种字体。使用过多的字体会干扰你的用户而且让你的网站看起 来很乱。相反,较少的字体让你的网站显得干净易读。你可以标题使用一种字体,正文使用一种字体,最后 logo或副标题使用另外的字体。
In order to ensure a readable and professional, your web site should not use more than 3 fonts. The excessive use of words experience interfere with your users and make your site look up to is a mess. Instead, less font let your site appears clean and easy to read. You can use a font title, the text using a font, finally logo or subtitles use another font.
三、网站配色(Website match colors)
With a color. This refers to the selected a kind of color first, and then set the transparency or saturation, (say some is popular color becomes weak or deepen), create new colors, used in web pages. This page looks colour united, have administrative levels feeling.
With two kinds of colour. First selected a colour, and then select it contrast color (in Photoshop in press CTRL + shift + I) to a tiny adjustment. The entire page color is rich but not take a little.
With a color is. Simple said is to use a sense of color, such as light blue, yellow, green, Or taupe, the ash, the blue. It is in the same color fastens with different color, make the inside pages increase color, and not spend, tonal and unity. This kind of color matching method in the web design most commonly used.
4.灰色在网页设计中又称为“万能色”,其特点是可以和任何颜色搭配,在使用时把握量避免网页变灰。 在网页配色中,尽量控制在三种色彩以内,以避免网页花、乱、没有主色的显现。背景和前文的对比尽量要大,(绝对不要用花纹繁复的图案作背景),以便突出主要文字内容。
Gray in web design, also known as "universal color", its features and any color collocation, when use of web gray grasp to avoid. In the web page color matching, try to control in the three kinds of colour within, to avoid a web page, disorderly and no flowers the manifestation of the color. Background and above the contrast of the big as far as possible, (never use decorative pattern for the design of heavy and complicated background), in order to highlight the main text.
四、按级别来排列标题和文本(According to level to arrange title and text)
为了增加可读性,给标题、介绍段落和常规文本创建标签层级是很重要的,这样你的用户可以看清你的文章结构并能很 快的找到他们感兴趣的部分。
In order to increase readability, to the title, introduces conventional text paragraphs and create label level is very important, so your users can see your essay structure and can very quick find their interest in the parts.
五、关注对比(Attention contrast)
Even if your site has very good typesetting, another note that the contrast. If your pages in the background is grey (# 999999), so do not use dark grey (# 333333) of text, or your content it becomes difficult to see, especially for some older or poor eyesight.
In short, unless your site is about hackers, black hat seo or gothic rock, otherwise you should use light color and brunet background to ensure clear contrast font increase the readability of your web site.
六、纠正标题margin值(Correct title margin values)
另外一个常见的错误是标题周围不正确的margin值。标题其实是与它下面的段落是相关联的,而不仅仅是两个段落的分 割符。这就是为什么标题的margin-top比margin-bottom要宽。
Another common mistake is not the right margin around title value. Title is to be with it the following paragraph is associated, and not just two paragraph points cut operators. This is why of the title of the margin-top margin-bottom than to wide.
七、创建样式库(Create style library)
让你的网站产生视觉震撼的一个简单高效的方法是给特殊的页面创建特殊的样式。例如,创建一个.warning的CSS类来向 你的用户显示“警告”。
Let your website produces visual shock of a simple and efficient way is to give the special page create special style. For example, create a. Warning CSS class to your user shows "warning".
八、正确使用标点符号(The correct use of punctuation marks)
If you want to improve your typesetting level nots allow to ignore point is right use of punctuation marks. For example, quotes often use double leave symbol instead of (translators note: I think the author want to express meaning should be the Angle symbols and half horn symbols differ, as Chinese and English quotes quotes different).
Distinguish double leave symbols
The same text, use quotation marks:
这样更好,不是吗?如果你是WordPress用户,你可能很乐意知道你最喜欢的博客平台自动将双撇号转换为智能的引号 。否则,你得使用HTML字符编码。如下所示:
This is better, isn't it? If you are WordPress user, you can be very happy to know you like most blog platform to be automatic will double apostrophe conversion for intelligence quotation marks. Otherwise, you have to use HTML character encoding. Shown below:
9、代码部分使用等宽字体(The code to use typewriter fonts)
如果你是一位开发者(就像大部分读这篇博客的人)你可能想贴一些代码在你的博客里。如果是这样,请使用等宽字体。 那么,什么是等宽字体?它就是字母和字符占相同水平宽度的字体。
If you are a developer (like most read this blog) you may want to post some code in your blog. If so, please use the typewriter fonts. So, what is the width of font? It is the same level of letters and characters of the width of the font.
那么在网站的代码段你应该使用哪种字体呢? 到目前为止 Courier字体是最流行的,那么尝试一下最新的一些字体像 Consolas或 Monaco怎么样呢?那你一定要看看这里咯。
So in the website of the code segment you should use which kinds of fonts? So far Courier font is the most popular, then try the latest some font like Consolas or Monaco? You must see here anymore.
一个网站的成功与否与建站建设前的规划有着极为重要的关系。在建立网站前应明确网站建设的目的,确定网站的功能,确定网站规模、投入费用,进行必要的市场分析等。只有详细的规划,才能避免在网站建设中出现的很多问题,使网站建设能顺利进行。 以上创新互联几点网站建设的建议希望能对大家提高网站建设中网页设计起到帮助。
The success of a web site before construction and planning has a very important relationship. In a web site on the website of the former should be clear purpose, determine the functionality of the site, to determine the scale of investment cost, web site, make the necessary market analysis, etc. Only the detailed planning, to avoid in the website construction of many of the problems that appear, make the website construction can be carried out smoothly. Above is the website of the product China some Suggestions in hopes of us improve website construction of web design help.




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