
2023-01-20    分类: 网站制作

Commerce website construction elements, first, integrity, each connection has its content. This both for a visitor or a search engine is very important.
一、电子商务网站的功能定位(Electronic commerce website function positioning)
网站不仅代表着企业的网上品牌形象,同时也是开展网络营销的 根据地,网站实现的功能对网络营销的效果有直接影响,网站功能定位不明确不准确是许多企业网站失效 的主要原因。因此,对企业网站功能准确定位是网站建设中要解决的首要问题。
Web site not only represents the company's online brand image, but also to carry out network marketing base, website realization function on the network marketing effect has a direct impact, the site functions is not clear not accurately is the main cause of the failure of many corporate website. Therefore, the enterprise website in the website construction of the accurate positioning is the most important problem to be solved.
1,企业电子商务网站应充分展示企业的经营理念,产品或服务的特色(The enterprise electronic commerce website should fully demonstrate the corporate business philosophy, product or service features)
企业电子商务网站是企业根据自身经营的需要建立起来的因此首 先应当适应企业经营的需要,为企业的经营和营销服务。企业网站应充分展示企业主营业务的特色和优势 ,通过文字,图案,颜色甚至声音等媒介,让用户能在最短的时间内抓住企业所要传递给目标消费者的核 心思想,而不是让人陷入一个“迷茫的海洋”甚至产生错觉。
The enterprise electronic commerce website is the enterprise according to its own business needs to build up the first should be adapted to the business needs, for enterprise management and marketing services. Enterprise website should fully display their main business characteristics and advantages, through text, pattern, color and sound and other media, so that users can in the shortest possible time to seize the enterprises to convey to the target consumers of the core thought, and not let people into a " confused marine " even have the illusion of.
2,处理好信息服务与在线销售的关系(Deal with information services and online sales relationship)
商务网站的定位并不意味着一定要实现在线销售网络和电子商务 的大优势在于信息的传递,而在线销售尚有支付手段,信用体系,安全立法、物流配送等诸多环境因素 的制约。在企业网站上提供丰富的相关产品信息、专业知识介绍和售前售后服务通过开展网上营销活动, 促进网下销售额的增长,这是大多数成功网站的共同特点。
Commerce website localization does not mean to achieve online sales network and electronic commerce is the biggest advantage of information transfer, and online sales and means of payment, credit system, safety legislation, such as logistics and distribution of many environmental factors. On enterprise website provide a wealth of information related products, professional knowledge and pre-sales customer service service through online marketing activities, promote net sales growth, this is the most common features of successful web site.
3,处理好商务与技术的关系(Deal with the relationship between technology and Commerce)
技术本身不是目的,任何技术都是为商务目的服务的技术的价值 只有通过商务的诉求才能实现,只有当它促进商务目标实现的时候才有价值。商务功能定位准确的网站并 不是越美观越华丽就好,技术也并不是越新就越好。网页是静态的好还是动态的好,要不要使用数据库技 术,这应当根据网站建设所处的阶段以及企业的规模与业务量的大小来确定。不能为了炫耀技术而牺牲网 页下载的速度,不能不顾企业信息化水平和员工素质的现状而盲目追求高新技术,不能不顾产品不适合在 网上销售的特点,以及该行业互联网觉醒度还比较低,开展网络交易相关的支付安全,信用等问题还比较 突出的特点,一味追求网上销售的实现,这样只能事倍功半甚至适得其反。
The technology itself is not a purpose, any technology is for business purposes technical value only through business demands can be realized, only when it promotes business objectives when it is the value. Business functions of accurate positioning of the site is not more beautiful and more gorgeous good, technology is not more better. Webpage is static or dynamic, or use of database technology, it should be based on website construction stage as well as the size of the enterprise and the business volume to determine the size of. Not to boast of technology at the expense of web page download speed, not disregard the enterprise informatization level and staff quality status and the blind pursuit of high technology, not disregard the product is not suitable for online sales characteristics, as well as the industry internet awareness is still relatively low, begin network transaction payment security, credit and other issues are more prominent characteristics, the pursuit of the realization of online sales, so that only half or even run counter to one's desire.
网络和网站技术只是实现企业经营目标的一种工具,只是企业开 展经营和营销的手段和媒体,技术只有和商务特别是企业的主营业务有机结合从而促进商务活动的开展时 才能创造价值并带来效益否则极有可能沦为可有可无的摆设,甚至成为妨碍企业发展的陷阱和吞噬资金的黑洞。
Network and web technology is to achieve business goals of a tool, only the enterprise develop business and marketing means and media, technology and only business especially enterprise main business organic union to promote business activities to create value and bring benefit or likely to become not essential equipment, and even to become hinders the enterprise development pitfalls and black hole swallowed up the funds.
The site should be to maximize meet customer demand
因为企业的商务目标需要通过满足消费者的需求才能卖王贮,所 以企业网站不仅要适合自身特点,还应大限度地满足顾客需求。
Because business goals by meeting the needs of consumers in order to sell King storage, so enterprise website not only for its own characteristics, but also to maximize meet customer demand.
在今天的消费市场中,顾客需求多样化,个性化的特征,要求每 个企业都能对这些变化作出及时快速的反应,这是企业在市场立足与发展的必要条件。同时,企业之间的 竞争在很大程度上是客户资源的竞争,谁能把握住客户的需求,并以最快的速度作出响应,谁就能吸引新 客户,保持老客户在竞争中取胜。由于市场的激烈竞争使得许多商品的品质区别越来越小,产品的同质化 倾向也越来越强,这种商品的同质化结果使得品质不再是顾客消费选择的主要标准,越来越多的顾客更加 看重的是商家能为其提供何种服务,以及服务的质量和及时程度。为了保持企业持续,稳定,健康地发展 ,企业网站必须注重提高自身的服务质量,增进与顾客的沟通,树立良好的服务形象和品牌形象,加强企 业的竞争能力。
In today's consumer market, customer demand for diversification, personalized features, requirements of each enterprise can on these changes make timely and quick response, this is the enterprise foothold in the market and the development of the necessary conditions. At the same time, the competition among enterprises is to a great extent the competition of customer resources, who can grasp the customer needs, and the fastest speed of response, who can attract new customers, maintain old customers to win in the competition. Due to the fierce market competition makes a lot of commodity quality more and more, product homogenization tendency is more and more strong, the product homogenization results in quality is no longer the consumer to choose the main standard, more and more customers more value is the business can provide the service, and the quality of services and timely degree. In order to maintain an enterprise to last, stable, healthy development, enterprise website must pay attention to improve their service quality, enhance the communication with customers, establish a good image of the service and brand image, strengthen the competitive capacity of the enterprise.
二、深圳网站设计原则(Shenzhen website design principle)
在网站进行商品交易商务网站不仅要接收与处理大量零散而复杂 的商务数据和信息。而且要保证数据及信息传输的安全性,其功能既要足够强大又要满足商业流程。与普 通的web网站相比电子商务网站在数据处理和数据传输方面要求更高,数据流程更 复杂。因此,对于电子商务网站这样一个复杂的系统,我们必须从下几方面来切实加以保证:
At the site of commodities trading business website not only to receive and process a large number of fragmented and complex business data and information. But also to ensure the data and information transmission security, its function is powerful enough to satisfy the business process. With the ordinary web site compared with the electronic commerce website in data processing and data transmission requirements of higher, more complex data flow. Therefore, the electronic commerce website of such a complex system, we must from the several aspects to effectively guarantee:
1,系统的可靠性(System reliability)
系统的数据对企业来说用”生死攸关”来形容,一点也不过分。 在任何情况下,保证网站可靠,稳定的运行,确保数据的完整性,正确性和可恢复性无疑是是网站设计的 前提。
System data to the enterprise with " be a life-and-death matter " to describe, a little too much. In any case, ensure the website reliable, stable operation, ensure data integrity, correctness and recoverability is undoubtedly is the premise of website design.
2,系统的安全性(System security)
Internet给我们带来了便利,也带来了许多麻烦,黑客和病毒随时可能侵入,致使信息和网络的 安全性面临严酷的挑战。设计时,必须采取足够的措施,保证系统的安全。
Internet has brought us convenience, it also brings a lot of trouble, hackers and virus can invade, resulting in information and network security is facing grim challenge. When the design, must adopt adequate measures, ensure the security of the system.
4,系统的可扩展性(The expansibility of the system)
随着信息量的增加和应用系统的扩充系统的软、硬件也必须逐步 地扩展。设计网站时要确保系统对升级换代的适应能力5系统的开放性商务网站只是企业整个 商务体系中的一部分,它可能是企业的第一个系统,但决不应该是最后的一个。因此,它必须设计成支持 开放性、符合相关技术标准的系统,使其能与原有系统(如果有的话)协调工 作,并与将来新建系统相互兼容。
With the increase of information and the application of system expansion system of soft, hardware must also gradually extended. Web site design to ensure the system to upgrade the ability to adapt to 5 open system business website only enterprise of the whole business part of a system, it is the first enterprise systems, but never should be the last one. Therefore, it must be designed to support the open, in conformity with the relevant technical standard system, so that it can work with the original system ( if any ) coordination work, and with the new system compatible.
6,系统的先进性(The advanced nature of the system)
信息技术的发展日新月异,我们在设计时,要尽量采用先进而成 熟的技术和设备,以保证系统高效、可靠安全地运行与此同时,也要防止片面地追求“一步到位”的倾向 。
The development of information technology change rapidly, we are in the design, to maximize the use of advanced and mature technology and equipment, to ensure that the system is efficient, reliable and safe operation at the same time, also should prevent one-sided pursuit of " one-step" tendency.
三,尚品网站制作中告诉你要注意的问题(Luxuries in web production must tell you to pay attention to the problem)
Website content should be regularly updated
一个网站如果长期以一张永远不变的“脸”示人,甚至连企业产 品的消息都永远凝固在那里,千年难得~变,则这个网站将很快失去对用户的吸引,自然更不可能给企业 带来它所期望的种种利益了。这样的网站,最终只能沦落为互联网中的垃圾网站。换而言之,如果网站上 的内容经常更新,用户经常可以了解到该企业新的动态及产品,则这样的网站就会吸引越来越多的用户。
A website if long-term to a constant " face" show a person, even the enterprise product information remains there, the Millennium rare - variable, this site will soon lose the attraction to the user, natural or may be brought to the enterprise it is expected a variety of interests. Such a web site, can only be reduced to the Internet in the garbage site. In other words, if the content of the web site is updated frequently, users often can see that the enterprise new dynamic and product, this website will attract more and more users.
企业网站上一般都有专门的企业邮箱,用以接收用户的邮件。但 很多企业的邮箱形同虚设,用户给企业的邮件根本得不到任何响应,最后用户不得以而放弃,在这放弃之 中商机也就随之溜走了。事实上,现代企业必须做到“耳听八方”,因为任何渠道的消息都有可能成为企 业可遇不可求的商机。
Enterprise website generally have specialized enterprise mailbox, is used for receiving the user's mail. But many enterprise mailbox exists in name only, the user to the enterprise mail can not get any response, the user not to give up, give up the business opportunities in this will slip away. In fact, the modern enterprise must do " very alert ", since any channel message may become a business can not be met and business opportunities.
发挥网站应有的作用,将网站融入到企业业务流程中去一个网站,如果只有公司简介通信地址 、长途电话、公司名称,银行账号,甚至连产品,服务类别都没有那这个网站就等同于名片,用户访问此 类网站,对企业及其产品和服务都一无所知是不可能给企业带来效益的长此以往,用户会对企业形象和销 售大打折扣,从而失去对企业的信任。
Play site due effect, the site into the enterprise business processes to a web site, if only the company address, telephone, company name, bank account number, or even product, service categories are not that this site is equivalent to calling card, users to access this website, to enterprises and their products and services know nothing at all is not possible to bring benefits to the enterprise. If things go on like this, the user will be on the corporate image and sales, thus losing the trust to the enterprise.
Followed by the ease of use, consumers and visitors patience rarely, if you can not be the first time to provide the information they want or product, they will go to other places to find.
Third is the site of the structure, how to build an easily search engine to. This point of view you are targeting foreign customers and domestic customers. The word is done do Baidu, Google abroad.
Fourth is the site safety, as an electronic commerce website, in addition to its own security to the user information and financial security.
The last is the reputation. This can be done by many certification to obtain the initial accumulation of credibility.




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