
2023-01-26    分类: 定制网站

The content and the web site of the chain is no problem, the problem to Baidu "manslaughter" is not appropriate, solve the problem for the customer's purpose, we site program, code on the site inspection, found a very easy to ignore the problem: the site uses a template site, although through the surface of the design good, but the site code is copied directly, is what we often say that the template station, serious homogenization, simply to say that online there are tens of thousands of the same site, Baidu will not like this site.
In view of this phenomenon, it is necessary to share some common misunderstandings of enterprise website construction, especially in the initial stages of construction site, there is need for template site, self-help and personalized website in detail.
Disadvantages of the establishment of the template

If you stand in the customer point of view, the template station is a pejorative term to describe a web site, low quality, so the general enterprise rarely when see template site defects, to choose this way station. A template site, can look at the key points of this analysis:
1、 模板建站之所以盛行,价格低廉绝对不是主要原因。
The template site is vogue, low price is not the main reason.
2、 客户误以为模板站就是网站建设的简易流程
The customer thought simple process template site is website construction
3、 模板建站所谓的成千上万个模板,其实是同一个模板的不同造型,本质上网站代码相同
A template template site tens of thousands of so-called, is different form the same template, essentially the same site code
Most templates are directly online download, risk is big, not safe
5、 模板建站同质化严重,不利于SEO优化
The template site the homogenization of serious, is not conducive to SEO optimization
The author summarizes the reason template site market fiery: customers do not understand the construction site conditions, mistaken or misled by the site of the company business personnel, choose this kind of simple and economical construction model, the customer is the essence of hope have a high quality site, rather than "template station".
Exaggerated self-help

With the shortcomings of the establishment of the template gradually revealed, the emergence of a new website construction mode will be typing site. Establishment of self-help generally rely on themselves to the development of web applications, to allow customers to yourself a simple website production, like to build their own blog, microblogging site as easy. Each site of the company is often the self-help Station system different, this slightly modified the homogenization problem for the establishment of the template.
Establishment of self-help depend on the service provider technology, enterprises can easily have their own DIY site, does not need the management server, also do not need to design, multiple functions, less expensive, high performance price ratio.
Of course, there are advantages also have defects.
Site control is limited, the general establishment of self-help use fixed number of year, after the expiration of the website not renew, the data will be empty.
No independent space, slow access speed.
The website included poor, rely on high quality content
Simple operation is to design the sacrifice of high-end as the premise, can only choose template
Practical self-help fee is much higher than the one-time charge station.
Misunderstanding of personalized website

End end template site and self-help, to criticize some so-called high-end customized website. I entirely approve of enterprises choose personalized website, also advocate to have the strength enterprise or Internet consciousness enterprises choose Custom Web form. But customized sites are not you say yes, he is particularly noted, need:
1、 一些网站定制仅仅是增加了页面设计,但是代码依旧模板化。纯粹属于模板建站的升级版本。
Some custom website just increases the page design, but the code is still template. Upgraded version of pure belong to the establishment of the template.
2、 没有个性化网站策划方案,何来个性化网站建设?个性化定制网站必须有相应的网站策划方案,这个方案可以由企业自己提供,也可以由建站公司完成,或者专业机构出具的。
No personalized web site planning scheme, where individual website construction? Personalized website must have the corresponding web site planning scheme, this scheme can be provided by the enterprises themselves, also can be completed by the site of the company, or issued by professional organizations.
3、 定制网站是根据客户要求进行的网站开发,包括重新策划、方案书写、重新设计、重新功能开发。省略任何一个步骤,都不属于定制网站。
Custom website Web site development according to customer requirements, including the re planning, proposal writing, re design, re development. Omitting any one step, do not belong to the custom web site.

The enterprise website objective is to make or brand, recommend the use of marketing type website construction, but if companies choose not ideal site company site in the process, will lose interest in the site and the Internet market, this point from the tens of thousands of a ruined enterprise on the site can see.




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