
2023-01-06    分类: 网站建设

Domain name choice

要使网站建设在各个搜索引擎中排名较前,离不开域名的抉择。一 般来说,许多年纪比较老的域名相对来说更会受到搜索引擎的爱好,此外必要当心的是,在目录路径和文件路径的设计上,有如此的 一个原则,文件名路径和文件名包括keywords比不包括keywords好 处,二级域名比栏目页更有好处,栏目页比内页更具好处,静态路 径比动态路径更具好处。
Site navigation layout good

在桂芳园网站建设的时刻,好的导航布局不但能够帮忙用户方便阅读网站,同时也能够帮忙搜索引擎决定这个营销型网站建设的专业程序。 一般来说,在设置网站导航的时刻,我们必要注重清楚明了的原则,姑苏平面设计培训 此外,在设置网站导航的时刻,我们应该避免利用许多flash或者js做导航,这对于搜索引擎来说是很不友好的。
In the construction of Gui Fang Park, the website of the moment, good navigation layout can not only help users convenient reading website, also can help search engines determine the marketing type website construction professional program. Generally speaking, in the setting of the site navigation of the moment, we need to pay attention to clear principles, Suzhou plane design training in addition, set in the site navigation time, we should avoid the use of many flash or JS do navigation, it is not very friendly to search engine.
Rent a good server space

对于一般的站长来说,租用虚拟主机就够了。是公司的话能够 本身买个服务器放到机房托管。对于公司来说,在租用服务器时,必定要测验这台服务器有没被搜索引擎责罚过,否则就算你网站做得再好,也会蒙受池鱼之殃。此外,还要测验服务器ip是不是被 责罚过,先要看清楚这台服务器为哪些网站服务,我们能够利用在 线工具寻找,寻找网址在相应页面上,输入服务器ip地点便可。
For the general webmaster, virtual hosting is enough. Is the company's words can buy a server in the room hosting. For companies, the hire server, must test this server has not be search engine punishment, or even your site again good, also to be implicated in trouble. In addition, but also test the server IP is it right? Being punished, too, to see this server for which site service, we can use the line tool to find, find the URL in the corresponding page, enter the server IP address can be.
Webpage title and meta tags

网页标题和meta标签对网页在各大搜索引擎中的排名有着很大 的打扰,所以标题和标签的设计也很是关键。对于网站标题的设置,每个网页的标题都要不一样,而且要和自身网页内容相满足,此 外,每个页面的标题好重点凸起1–2个keywords,且标题不宜过 长,好不要跨越30个汉字,60个英文字母。在对网站的meta标签 设置的时刻,许多无关的keywords好不要写,用一句话概括文章 的重要内容,公道参加keywords优化。
Webpage title and meta tags on webpage in each big search engine rankings have great trouble, so the title and label design is also very key. For the site title settings, each webpage title or the same, but also to and their own webpage content is satisfied, in addition, each page title best focused 1 - 2 keywords, and the title is too long, it is best not to over 30 Chinese characters, 60 English letters. Set in on the website of the meta tag of the moment, many independent keywords is best not to write, summarize the important content in one sentence, fair in keywords optimization.
Optimization of the webpage content

在从事SEO网站优化的时刻,我们都晓得原创内容的首要性,所以 说,对于任何一个seoer来说,要想成功的从事网站优化,是离不开高品质的网站内容的,对于网站的内容,我们必要寻求原创性,此外,我们还要注重网站内容的雄厚性和相干性,许多相干性的内容 更有利于网站成长。
In the SEO website optimization time, first and foremost, we all know that the original content so that, for any SEOER, to engage in Web site optimization success, is inseparable from the high quality web content, for the content of the website, we need to seek originality, in addition, we should pay attention to the rich and coherence the content of the website, many coherence content is more advantageous to the site of growth.




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