
2023-01-29    分类: 网站建设

For SEOER, website promotion must be quite clear, but for outsiders, estimated that the website promotion is to let more people know the site is. So, what is the website promotion, what is the definition of website promotion, what are the common website promotion way.
Website promotion is base on the Internet, a new way of marketing by using NNT flow information and network media interactive to assist the marketing goals. Common website promotion way:
1, search engine optimization. Statistics show that, more than 50% of the spontaneous traffic from search engines; effective search engine is one of the necessary means to raise attention promotion; filling search engine not only pay attention to the wording and the choice of a good engine, should also pay attention to regular follow-up the filling effect, and make a correction or reasonable to add.
2, soft Wen promotion. Don't stand in user angle, stand to the industry point of view, to media angle to stand in a plan to compose and release, prompting each soft Wen can be all kinds of websites are released, in order to achieve the best results.
3, promotion of forum. The forum is the biggest one method: choose good material (must be very popular kind) and then go to a related popular version of posting propaganda.
4, micro-blog marketing and micro message marketing. Micro-blog and micro message fiery everybody be obvious to people, micro-blog and micro message marketing naturally become the focus of marketing, how to effectively use the micro-blog and micro message do promotion is a lot of people in the trial of the problem.
5, the news marketing. From the marketing point of view, a news marketing should be the purpose of advertising to increase sales. So how to determine the good news marketing purposes, will determine the main line of the news marketing.
6, add links alliance. Not only can improve the website on the Internet exposure rate, improve website backlinks and PR value, but also because the registration links Union left the site information, and generate links system a self-service for myself, so that others can not inform me of the situation and my links, which links become more relaxed.
7, login navigation. The website construction is completed, the first thing is to submit a new site to each big search engine. Search engine submission including submitted to the search engine crawlers and submitted to classified catalogue, submitted to the search engine crawler is designed to let the search engine will be included in the index database website.




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