
2023-01-26    分类: 网站建设

随着互联网的发展,越来越多的企业开始重视网络营销,但在许多商家眼里,网站制作就等同于网络营销。 建好一个网站, 就有源源不断的顾客找上门来, 这样的观念已经落伍了。 企业网站只是网络营销的一部分,但他们之间又有着紧密的联系。
With the development of Internet, more and more enterprises begin to pay attention to network marketing, but in the eyes of many businesses, web site production is equivalent to the network marketing. Build a website, there is everfount customers come, this is outdated. Enterprise website is only the part of the network marketing, but they also have close ties.
1、从网站建设在网络营销中的地位来讲,网站建设是网络营销非常重要的组成部分。 不管开展哪种网络营销,都离不开企业网站各项功能的支持,包括文章,图片,会员制,分享功能,SEO网站优化等等。同样的道理,网站制作的水平的不同,也制约了网络营销的开展,主要体现在 企业品牌形象的展示和搜索引擎优化效果等多个方面。所以,在网站建设初期,就要考虑到 网络营销方法对企业网站的需要。
From the construction site on the network marketing status, website construction is a very important component of network marketing. No matter what kind of network marketing development, are inseparable from the corporate website of the functions of support, including articles, pictures, membership function, share, SEO site optimization and so on. Similarly, website production level is different, also restricting the development of network marketing, mainly manifests in the enterprise brand image display and search engine optimization effect etc.. So, in the site construction, we must take into account the network marketing methods to the needs of the enterprise website.
2、从整个网络营销的程序上讲,网站建设是网络营销的开始。企业网站的功能为以 后的网络营销奠定了基础, 如网站推广和在线顾客服务等。 一些非常重要的营销方法也要依 托企业网站上的功能才能发挥出来,例如搜索引擎营销,邮件列表营销,和网站会员制营销 等等。一般整个公司的营销策略制定下来之后,做的第一步就是网站的策划和建设。
From the network marketing program, site construction network marketing start. The function of enterprise website for network marketing has laid a foundation, such as website promotion and online customer service. Some very important marketing method must rely on the enterprise website function can display, such as a search engine marketing, email list marketing, and website membership marketing etc.. General entire firm 's marketing strategy formulation down, do the first step is site planning and construction.
3、 从网站建设与网络营销的关系来讲, 企业网站的功能决定了企业网络营销的具体方 法, 同时企业网站的功能不能自己发挥效用来促进商品交易量的提升, 需要具体的营销方法 的帮助才能发挥出来。 综上所述,网站建设只是网络营销的一部分,也可以说是必须存在的方法,只有有了企业 网站的支持,各种网络营销方法才得以体现出来,两者是相辅相成的。
From the website construction and network marketing relations, corporate website function has decided the enterprise network marketing to the specific method, at the same time, enterprise website function can not play a function to promote commodity trades the quantity increase, the need for specific marketing methods help to play. To sum up, website construction is the part of the network marketing, also can saying is must exist in the method, only the enterprise web support, various methods of network marketing can be reflected out, the two are complementary.
4、从网络营销的传播渠道和信息来源上讲,内容是整个网络营销的基础。所谓的网络 营销,不过两种方法,第一种是通过各种网络推广手段将潜在用户吸引到自己的网站上,然后将网站上的内容呈现给这些访客。 第二种方法就是直接将营销信息通过某些推广手段直接传给潜在顾客,引发他们的兴趣,从而达成购买。
From the network marketing channels and sources of information on tell, content is the basis of network marketing. The so-called network marketing, but the two methods, the first kind is through a variety of network promotion measure will potentially attracting users to your site, and then the content of the web site presents to the visitors. The second kind of method is direct marketing information through some promotion means directly to potential customers, arouse their interest, in order to reach purchase.




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