
2023-01-16    分类: 营销型网站建设

Now more and more enterprises on their website, the original traditional website has been unable to meet the growing needs of the network marketing, so a lot of enterprises will be the site positioning as a marketing type site, so the construction of marketing type website construction attention to which design, website construction suggestions marketing website to have seven design:
The website structure clear flow

Here mainly refers to the page structure refers to the structure of the site, such as a web page depth not more than * *, if you need some two * * page to see the real content, obviously, this structure is not reasonable, and according to the search engine is difficult to know the content of the website, which influence the website in search engine weight this is the first, second,: the section of the web site should be clear, whether the navigation column or web site configured navigation bread crumbs get organized:
Strong visual impact

The visual impact is mainly reflected in advertising design diagram of web page, and the page layout definition, not only to bring the atmosphere and normal to a feeling of affinity and image!
Very sales force to display products

Refer to the details of enterprise product the product detail page should from much angle to introduce the product or service, it introduces many enterprise website is not complete, is the simple introduction, this obviously can not give the product a solution on all aspects of customer.
A credible content

The credibility of the content is mainly manifested in the company's qualification, and related industries or enterprises office scene acquired certificate and so on, including the release of news is updated, now a lot of Enterprise News Center this year put tomorrow and even the year before last news.
The dissemination of power (for search engine)

The authority of the dissemination of power mainly refers to the site itself, as well as to the search engine friendly degrees, like our Beijing website construction website each page can be custom keyword and description, greatly increases the site long tail word optimization efforts!
Sales customer service system

Sales customer service system not only includes customer service system website floating, including the analysis of the number of access, as well as the user's network behavior trajectories, including phone skills etc..
A perfect and convenient website backstage

The backstage management is oriented to non specialized network sources, so in the design to stand in the customer's force field is designed, try to upload data and operational aspects such as humanity! Time to maximize savings customers!




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