
2023-01-16    分类: 网站建设

Now many enterprises are inclined to marketing type website construction, so most of the content of the web site is not limited to the news, pictures, writing, etc. these old forms. We're making some fresh hot event to improve the site traffic project. Special topic now mainly divided into events, theme, mining topics. So we in the site to make special is the need to pay attention to many.
Marketing type website construction layout
确定主题(Determine the subject)
The different project and we update content, the amount of information contained in a wide range of topics, display, flexible, user experience is also very good. But we in determining the special subject is more difficult. We have no direction in just the production, no goal. So we must learn to identify the subject.
(1)经常看搜索引擎(Often see search engine)
Now most of the users are returned by search engines. So the search engine data are generally users of concern, such as Baidu news, Tencent News and so on are appeared in the public view of everyday. If you see a more controversial events in the news, we can immediately set about making a related topic, and we discuss it together. It can not only obtain flow, but also allows the user to remember you, the more attention you.
(2)分析客户注重点(Analysis of customer note key)
对于客户关注多的主题我们可以更多的留意。现在绝大部分的主流访问统计都是有关键词的,我们可以通过关键词的搜索发现用户关注的方向需求,了解这种需求是不是普遍性的。如果这个话题比较普遍,我们就可以将它作为专题 ,来吸引更多的用户,增加网站流量。
For customers concerned about many topics we can pay more attention to. Now most of the mainstream access statistics are key words, we can find that the users concern about the direction of the demand by keyword search, to understand the needs of the universality of is it right?. If the topic is relatively common, we can use it as a topic, to attract more customers, increase website traffic.
(3)观察用户体验(Observing the user experience)
We produce special purpose is to attract the user, that is how to attract users. The user experience is the most direct embodiment of a user to a web sensation. So we can make a user feedback to the user to have a look to build their own marketing type site experience is what.
Our site's theme is a summary of the content, so the content of the site, including the direction must be a limit, do not exaggerate too much false. Contents to be true, involving also have more background information, and accurate. The choice of materials should also have the authority, representation, which can increase the credibility of thematic content. Our direction to be placed on the content of those raw, original content, the more general, more able to highlight the uniqueness of your site. Use of their superior resources and focus. Our marketing theme based website building can not just highlight positive content, we want to analyze various aspects. With a good theme and content, we have gone through the setting of a reasonable layout. A good theme has emerged.




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