
2023-01-05    分类: 网站制作

Website design will be in order to make the site as soon as possible and select indexed by search engine optimization criteria, the site of production is completed, we can through the blog, forum, question answering system to the chain increases, when the sites have a certain flow, start to write high quality articles, adding links to improve website ranking, website optimization and that's it, the author talks about how to optimize the site by site production.
From the point of view to consider the optimization, website optimization is from the production site, first understand the customer's site featured industry and customer business when I first of all to help customers to consider is the domain name selection. Domain containing your best keyword, the keyword separately exposed to facilitate the search engine identification. Some experts believe that domain names containing the keyword for the role of a weak position, but does have an undeniable role, therefore, both cases can be considered as keyword domain name.
选好了域名后我下一步就是选择关键词了确定网站的核心关键词。网页中一切可让搜寻引擎抓取的文本中都尽量带有关键词。这些地方包括:域名、 title和 meta 标签、正文、锚文本、图片ALT标签让你关键词无所不在但又避免在同一处堆砌过多。设置关键词的时候还要注意关键词的密度问题。
Chosen the domain name after my next step is to choose the key words to determine the site of the core words. In every webpage that search engines crawl the text as much as possible with key words. These include: domain name, title and meta tags, text, anchor text, pictures ALT tags let you keywords omnipresent but to avoid at the same place piling up too much. Set key words when we note keyword density problem.
现在很多的人习惯建站用CMS, 再一个就是网站目录文件的问题。这些CMS往往会生成多级的目录结构,如果你个企业网站的话,多级目录反而有利于你SEO网站优化,自身企业网站就简单,所以目录结构越简单越利于网站的优化推广,那些复杂的目录结构都是给准备做行业门户型网站的人使用的。
Now many people accustomed to website with CMS, another is the site directory file problem. These CMS tend to generate multi-level directory structure, if you are a corporate website, multi-level directory but is conducive to your SEO site optimization, enterprise website is simple, so the directory structure is more simple and more conducive to the website optimization promotion, that the complexity of the directory structure is to prepare to do industry door apartment layout website use.




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