
2023-01-04    分类: 网站建设


Along with the enterprise website more and more simple, more and more enterprises sites such as bamboo shoots after a spring rain like appearance. The enterprise website to give full play to the role of network media, it must be a closer to network users of the site, let the site to give customers a good user experience, this is the enterprise to build the criterion of success, but also the search engine judge a site quality. So how to let enterprise website more user-friendly? Generally speaking, from the following aspects.
1. 确保网站的打开速度
Ensure the site open speed

Open the speed of the enterprise web site is affecting the user experience is one of the most important elements. According to the Internet authorities test, once the time buffer page for more than 10 seconds, more than half of the users would choose to leave, to close the site, and then back to the site visit. Therefore, even if the content of the website very tempting, web page open speed is very slow, will also reduce the website impression in the heart of the user, and reduce the site affinity. Therefore, in order to improve the site affinity, we must ensure that the site access speed.
2. 在网站中留下详细的企业联系方式
Leave behind the contact method detailed enterprise in the website





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