为万柏林等地区用户提供了全套网页设计制作服务,及万柏林网站建设行业解决方案。主营业务为网站建设、网站制作、万柏林网站设计,以传统方式定制建设网站,并提供域名空间备案等一条龙服务,秉承以专业、用心的态度为用户提供真诚的服务。我们深信只要达到每一位用户的要求,就会得到认可,从而选择与我们长期合作。这样,我们也可以走得更远!新建 app\filters\LoggingFilter 继承 yii\base\ActionFilter
LoggingFilter 的功能: 在指定请求的 action 前后各记录一条日志
<?php namespace app\filters; use yii\base\ActionFilter; class LoggingFilter extends ActionFilter { public function beforeAction($action) { parent::beforeAction($action); // To do something printf('This is a logging for %s\beforeAction.%s', $this->getActionId($action), PHP_EOL); return true; } public function afterAction($action, $result) { parent::afterAction($action, $result); // To do something printf('This is a logging for %s\afterAction.%s', $this->getActionId($action), PHP_EOL); return true; } }
新建 app\controllers\SystemController
<?php namespace app\controllers; use app\filters\LoggingFilter; class SystemController extends \yii\web\Controller { public function behaviors() { parent::behaviors(); return [ 'anchorAuth' => [ 'class' => LoggingFilter::className(), 'only' => ['test', 'test-one'], // 仅对 'test'、'test-one' 生效 'except' => ['test-one'], // 排除 'test-one' ], ]; } public function actionTestOne() { printf('This is a testing for %s.%s', $this->getRoute(), PHP_EOL); } public function actionTestTwo() { printf('This is a testing for %s.%s', $this->getRoute(), PHP_EOL); } public function actionTest() { printf('This is a testing for %s.%s', $this->getRoute(), PHP_EOL); } }
请求 http://yii.test/index.php?r=system/test
This is a logging for test\beforeAction. This is a testing for system/test. This is a logging for test\afterAction.
请求 http://yii.test/index.php?r=system/test-one
This is a testing for system/test-one.
请求 http://yii.test/index.php?r=system/test-two
This is a testing for system/test-two.
Yii 中的 ActionFilter(过滤器)相当于 Laravel 中的 Middleware(中间件),beforeAction 相当于前置中间件,afterAction 相当于后置中间件。
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