直接打开EXCEL用CTRL+F ,可以直接定位到符合条件的数据;或用指定条件筛选
4. 单击“开发工具”——查看代码,打开VBA编辑器,如图所示。
Sub 查找()
Dim jieguo As String, p As String, q As String
Dim c As Range
jieguo = Application.InputBox(prompt:="请输入要查找的值:", Title:="查找", Type:=2)
If jieguo = "False" Or jieguo = "" Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
With ActiveSheet.Cells
Set c = .Find(jieguo, , , xlWhole, xlByColumns, xlNext, False)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
p = c.Address
c.Interior.ColorIndex = 4
q = q c.Address vbCrLf
Set c = .FindNext(c)
Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address p
End If
End With
MsgBox "查找数据在以下单元格中:" vbCrLf vbCrLf _
q, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "查找结果"
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
7. 现在单击查找按钮,出现对话框“请输入要查找的值”,在方框中输入“男”,单击确定,出现对话框“查找数据在一下单元格中”,单击确定,对应单元格就变成了亮色。
''名称: FindPath
''作用: 查找搜索指定目录下面的所有文件和其子目录下的文件
''参数:strPath 要查找的目录,
''strFiles 用于存查找结果的缓冲区,String 类型的动态数组,调用时事先初始化, 如Redim strFiles(0)
''FileCount 用于返回文件个数
Public Sub FindPath(ByVal strPath As String, strFiles() As String, FileCount As Long)
Dim strDirs() As String
Dim strResult As String
Dim FileLimit As Long
Dim dirLimit As Long
Dim dirCount As Long
Dim I As Long
FileLimit = UBound(strFiles) + 1
dirLimit = 0
If Right$(strPath, 1) "/" Then strPath = strPath "/"
strResult = Dir(strPath, vbDirectory + vbSystem + vbReadOnly + vbHidden + vbNormal + vbArchive)
Do While Len(strResult) 0
If strResult "." And strResult ".." Then
If (GetAttr(strPath strResult) And vbDirectory) vbDirectory Then
If FileCount = FileLimit Then
ReDim Preserve strFiles(FileLimit + 10)
FileLimit = FileLimit + 10
End If
strFiles(FileCount) = strPath strResult
FileCount = FileCount + 1
If dirCount = dirLimit Then
ReDim Preserve strDirs(dirLimit + 10)
dirLimit = dirLimit + 10
End If
strDirs(dirCount) = strPath strResult
dirCount = dirCount + 1
End If
End If
strResult = Dir(, vbDirectory + vbSystem + vbReadOnly + vbHidden + vbNormal + vbArchive)
For I = 0 To dirCount - 1
Call FindPath(strDirs(I), strFiles, FileCount)
Next I
End Sub
新闻标题:vb.net搜索表 vbs 搜索文件
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